This is a collection of books that we have come across as we did research for the Out of Harm's Way and Preparing to Survive series of books. Some of them have information that can be used in your preparing but others just have some fun stories to read. Over time we will be bringing more books into our library. Watch this space for the latest.
The Still Hunter
By Theodore S. VanDyke
In researching materials for "Out Of Harm's Way" as well as the Preparing to Survive website I have looked through and read numerous books from the past on hunting. Without exception everyone of the books written after 1882 referenced "The Still Hunter" by Theodore S. Van Dyke. First published in 1882 it was the first book written on hunting in the U.S. Theodore Roosevelt said "The Still Hunter" is the best book ever written on still hunting.

Pioneer Sketches, Nebraska and Texas
Compiled By W. Straley
This little volume was begun while the compiler was editor of the Nuckolls County Herald, Nelson, Nebraska, in the spring of 1910, and was reprinted from a series of papers published in that newspaper. In May of that year, I moved to Hico, Texas, where I was elected editor of the News-Review. After entering my editorial duties in the latter office I resumed the publication of the sketches, but concerning Texas history only. These sketches are not as complete as they might have been, but are just as the articles appeared in the two above papers. It was not our intention to make a volume beautiful, but merely to record and preserve these items of history for future generations to read. If these chapters have entertained you, and incidentally instructed you, -we feel repaid for our efforts.

Reminiscences of a Pioneer
By Colonel William Thompson
So rapidly is the Far West changing character, our pioneers should feel in duty bound to preserve all they can of its early history. Many of them are giving relics of frontier days to museums and historical societies. And they do well. Yet such collections are unfortunately accessible to only the few. Hence they do better who preserve the living narratives of their times. For however unpretentious from the cold aspect of literary art, these narratives breathe of courage and fortitude amid hardships and perils, and tell as nothing else can of the hopes and dreams of the hardy pathfinders, and of the compensations and pleasures found in their sacrifices.
It is with this end in view, to preserve the life of the old days in its many colors, that these recollections are penned. There was more to this life than has been touched by the parlor romancers or makers of moving-picture films. Perhaps some day these memories may serve to illumine the historian delving in the human records of the past. And perhaps, also, and this is the author's dearest wish, they may inspire young readers to hold to the hardy traditions of the 'Fifties' and to keep this spirit alive in a country destined soon to be densely peopled with newcomers from the long-settled parts of the world.